Web Form Consultation

  • This Webform cannot be used for transactions or for requesting various application forms. We apologize for the inconvenience, but kindly review the information on the FAQ page and either complete your transactions using Internet Banking (PowerDirect) or submit your request through the Inquiries page on our website.

Handling of Personal Information of Individual Customers

SBI Shinsei Bank will use the personal information entered for the following operations within the scope required to achieve the following purpose of use. Please confirm and consent before entering any information.


(1)Deposits, domestic exchange, money exchange, loans, foreign exchange, and incidental operations thereto

(2)Investment trust sales, insurance sales, securities brokerage, trusts, corporate bonds, and other operations that banks are permitted to operate under the laws, and incidental operations thereto

(3)Other operations that banks are permitted to operate, and incidental operations thereto(including those that will be permitted to be handled in the future)

<Purpose of Use>

  • Receive applications for financial instruments and services (e.g., application for opening an account for various financial instruments).
  • Conduct identity verification based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds and confirm eligibility for using financial services.
  • Conduct management for continuous transactions (e.g., due date control in deposit, loan, and other transactions).
  • When all or part of processing of personal information is entrusted by other businesses, accomplish this entrusted operation appropriately.
  • Exercise rights or fulfill obligations in accordance with contracts (i.e., contracts between a customer and the Bank and contracts directly or indirectly related to the Bank’s operations) and the relevant laws and regulations.
  • Study and develop financial instruments and services through market research, data analyses, and surveys.
  • Provide customers with various proposals on financial instruments and services by sending direct mail or other means.
  • Any other purposes for administering the Bank’s financial instruments and services appropriately and effectively.
  • The purposes of use include actions such as delivering advertisements and making credit decisions that are taken based on the hobbies, preferences and credit standing of our customers presumed by analyzing their personal information such as transaction history, website view history and other behavior records.
  Please confirm and consent to "Handling of Personal Information of Individual Customers" before proceeding. Required Field
  What is your question? (Multiple answers allowed)Required Field
  • If you cannot login to Power Direct (internet banking), please click here.
  Please enter your question here. (Up to 500 letters)Required Field

You will not be able to use this Webform to request for transactions or for various application forms. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please confirm the information on the FAQ page and make the transaction on Internet Banking (PowerDirect).

If you would like a response via telephone from SBI Shinsei Bank, please click here.

Remaining letters

  • Due to security reasons, we will not be able to answer inquiries by email regarding customer’s personal information or make transactions.
  Please enter your reference number if you have any further questions or follow-up questions from a past inquiry.
  Name in fullRequired Field
ex.) Lydia Shinsei/Edgar Shinsei
  Your account number
Your 10-digit account number (3-digit Branch ID followed by 7-digit Customer ID)
ex.) 1234567890
  • If you have lost your cash card please contact PowerCall. Please contact us immediately at 0120-456-022(press *1 available 24/7).
  • If you are contacting us from overseas, please click here on how to contact us.
  • Please note phone charges may apply from calls from mobile phones and the local telephone company. Please confirm if phone charges apply with the phone company.
  Date of BirthRequired field
ex.) 1980(year) 1(month) 1(day)
(year) (month) (day)
  Your email addressRequired field
We will send a confirmation email your email address you have entered.
ex.) louise.shinsei@sbishinseibank.co.jp
▼For confirmation, please enter your email again.
  Your phone numberhalf-width characterRequired field
ex.)03-6880-7000 ( Please enter your number including「-」)
  • Please Enter your daytime contact phone number which we can reach you promptly.
  • Once we have received your inquiry, we will send a confirmation email to your email address you have entered. If you have set your email address to domain specification setting, please register the domain [@sbishinseibank.co.jp] to receive emails.
  • We will answer your inquiry by email to your email address you entered on the form, or calling to your phone number.
  • In principal, we will answer your inquiry by the following business day. (excluding Sundays and National holidays) Depending on the inquiry it may take several days before we can answer your question. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
  • We may take some time to answer due to the current effects of coronavirus.
  • Please refrain from the following
  • Using this service by impersonating as a different customer or third party.
  • Using this service to gain information which would provided to a third party.
  • Any other acts or uses in which SBI Shinsei Bank deems inappropriate.