Handling of Personal Information of Individual Customers

In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57, May 30, 2003) and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure (Act No. 27, May 31, 2013), the Bank shall use collected customers’ “personal information and ‘social security and tax numbers’ (“Individual Numbers”)” (collectively, “Personal Information”) for the following operations within the scope required to achieve the following purpose of use.
 The Bank shall stipulate the purpose of use specifically for customers’ clear understanding of the purpose. For instance, when the Bank asks customers to answer questionnaires, the Bank shall endeavor to limit the purpose of use (e.g., to count and organize questionnaire results) according to the situation.
# Deposits, domestic exchange, money exchange, loans, foreign exchange, and incidental operations thereto
# Investment trust sales, insurance sales, securities brokerage, trusts, corporate bonds, and other operations that banks are permitted to operate under the laws, and incidental operations thereto
# Other operations that banks are permitted to operate, and incidental operations thereto
(including those that will be permitted to be handled in the future)
Purpose of Use
[1]Purposes of Use of Personal Information
Of the Personal Information, the Bank shall use personal information to the extent required to achieve the following purposes of use:
1. Concerning finance instruments and services of the Bank and its affiliates and partners, the Bank shall use personal information for the following purposes of use.
The purposes of use include actions such as delivering advertisements and making credit decisions that are taken based on the hobbies, preferences and credit standing of our customers presumed by analyzing their personal information such as transaction history, website view history, other behavior records and information obtained through personal data sharing.
 # Receive applications for financial instruments and services (e.g., application for opening an account for various financial instruments);
 # Conduct identity verification based on the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds and confirm eligibility for using financial services;
 # Conduct management for continuous transactions (e.g., due date control in deposit, loan, and other transactions);
 # Make judgments on the appropriateness of providing financial instruments and services (e.g., judgment against the principle of appropriateness);
 # When all or part of processing of personal information is entrusted by other businesses, accomplish this entrusted operation appropriately;
 # Exercise rights or fulfill obligations in accordance with contracts (i.e., contracts between a customer and the Bank and contracts directly or indirectly related to the Bank's operations) and the relevant laws and regulations;
 # Study and develop financial instruments and services through market research, data analyses, and surveys;
 # Provide customers with various proposals on financial instruments and services by sending direct mail or other means;
 # Provide customers with various proposals on the products and services of its affiliates and partners;
 # Cancel various transactions and conduct management after cancellation of transactions; and
 # Any other purposes for administering the Bank’s financial instruments and services appropriately and effectively.
[2]Purposes of Use of Individual Numbers
Of the Personal Information, the Bank shall use Individual Numbers and personal information incorporating Individual Numbers within the scope required to achieve the purposes of use listed below:
1. Individual Numbers administrative operations for customers
 # Application for and report of the opening of accounts for financial instruments transactions
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to financial instrument transactions
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to life insurance contracts and so forth
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to non-life insurance contracts and so forth
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to trust transactions
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to transactions of gold bullion and so forth
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to overseas remittances and other transactions
 # Application of the tax-free savings system and so forth
 # Operation of the property accumulation system (zaikei) and so forth
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to educational funds management contracts
 # Preparation of statutory documents pertaining to marriage/child rearing funds management contracts
 # Provision of Individual Numbers to book-entry institutions and so forth concerning financial instruments transactions
 # Acceptance of applications for income tax convention
 # Operation of numbering deposit accounts
 # Procedures related to the registration, change, and deletion of public fund receiving accounts. (The reception will start on March 3, 2025.)
 # Procedures related to the provision of information on deposit and savings accounts in the event of a disaster or inheritance. (The reception will start on March 3, 2025.)
 # Procedures related to ensuring the accuracy of personal identification information and individual numbers. (The reception will start on March 3, 2025.)
2. Individual Numbers administrative operations for individuals
 # Preparation of payment reports for compensation, fees, contract money, and awards
 # Preparation of payment reports for real estate rentals
 # Preparation of payment reports for remuneration for the acquisition of real estate and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for agent commissions for selling/purchasing/lending of real estate and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for remuneration paid to nonresidents and so forth for personal services provision business
 # Preparation of payment reports for real estate rentals paid to nonresidents and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for industrial property royalties paid to nonresidents and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for machine rental fees paid to nonresidents and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for salaries, compensation, pensions, and awards paid to nonresidents and so forth
 # Preparation of payment reports for remuneration for the acquisition of real estate paid to nonresidents and so forth
3. Utilization for operations related to the Bank to the extent permissible under laws and regulations
4. If the Bank is entrusted with business by a company or organization and handles the Personal Information of the employees, members, retired employees, and shareholders of such company or organization in the course of business, the Bank shall use their Individual Numbers solely to the extent required to fulfill entrusted operations in accordance with the provisions of the service agreement of each operation.
⟨Request to report any change of your Individual Number⟩
If your Individual Number is changed, please promptly report it to the counter of your branch or
"PowerCall" (0120-456-007)
Regarding Sensitive Information
 Pursuant to the Enforcement Regulations of the Banking Act, etc., any special private information such as sensitive information (information which is not open to the public, such as information on race, belief, family origin, registered domicile, healthcare record or criminal record and so on) shall not be used for any purpose other than those deemed necessary for the appropriate management of operations or otherwise nor shall it be provided to any third party.
Upon Solicitation of Insurance Products
 Upon solicitation of insurance products, the Bank shall use personal information to the extent required for the fulfillment of the following purposes of use in addition to those stated above.
# For the purpose of appropriately performing the business entrusted by insurance companies
Upon Conducting Housing Loan Transactions
 Upon conducting housing loan transactions, the Bank shall use personal information only to the extent required for the fulfillment of the following purposes of use, in addition to those stated above.
# Approve or rejection of applications for loans, the continuous use of loans and so forth;
# Provision of personal information to third parties such as personal credit information institutions of which the Bank is a member, to the extent required for the appropriate performance of operations, while the Bank is offering credit;
# For the purpose of provision to third parties (to insurance underwriters) to the extent required for the administrative purposes of the insurance underwriter upon accepting applications for group credit life insurance; and,
# For the purpose of appropriately performing the business entrusted by insurance companies upon accepting applications for fire insurance.
 Pursuant to the Enforcement Regulations of the Banking Act and so forth, any information concerning the debt-paying ability of the customer who is in need of funds shall not be used for any purpose other than examination of the debt-paying ability of such customer nor shall it be provided to any third party.
 In relation to the credit business, the Bank shall provide information to the personal credit information institutions described below only to the extent required for the appropriate performance of business pursuant to the membership provisions of such institutions.
* The Personal Credit Information Center
TEL: 03-3214-5020
HP: https://www.zenginkyo.or.jp/pcic/
* Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp.
TEL: 0570-055-955
HP: https://www.jicc.co.jp
 Please note that the information provided to The Personal Credit Information Center and Japan Credit Information Reference Center Corp. may be used by the following personal credit information institutions which form business alliances with the institution.
HP: https://www.cic.co.jp
Personal Data Sharing by the SBI Shinsei Bank Group
 Aiming to become a financial group that is truly needed by our customers, the SBI Shinsei Bank Group will share customer personal data as follows in order to strengthen collaboration between Group member companies and offer products and services with more added values to our customers. We will build a proper management system for sharing the information so that we will not cause any inconvenience to our customers. If there is any restriction by related laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, we will handle the information in a manner which complies with such laws and regulations.

1. Shared personal data items
# "Attribute information" such as name, gender, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, occupation and employment history, family information, residence status, customer needs information, codes and numbers such as the driver's license number, and disclosure information (including the information obtained by receiving a notice from customers after concluding a contract)
# "Contract information" such as contract type, application date, contract data, terms and conditions, payment method, money transfer account, and other deposit accounts, etc.
# "Transaction information" such as transaction record (including images and voice, etc.), transaction amount, and balance, etc.
# "Information necessary for credit decision and management" such as the use record of other products and services and debt repayment status collected by SBI Shinsei Bank annual income (including household income), spending, assets, liabilities (However, the credit information obtained from personal credit bureau is excluded)

2. Scope of joint users
SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited. and the companies included in SBI Shinsei Bank's consolidated subsidiaries and equity-based affiliates listed in the Bank's securities report, etc. which tie-up with the Bank for sharing personal information
The Bank's partner companies are listed in "2.Scope of Joint Users, Personal Data Sharing by the SBI Shinsei Bank Group" on the Bank's website (https://corp.sbishinseibank.co.jp/en/privacy_policy/). (The list will be updated when needed.)

3. Purposes of use
The purposes of use include actions such as delivering advertisements and making credit decisions that are taken based on the hobbies, preferences and credit standing of our customers presumed by analyzing their personal information such as transaction history, website view history and other behavior records.
# Propose or introduce products and services of our Group member companies and our partners : We will propose or introduce the products and services of the SBI Shinsei Bank Group member companies and our partners to the SBI Shinsei Bank Group customers.
# Provide after-sales services and benefits and preferential treatment offered by the Group : We will consider offering a complete range of services including a point program to the customers of the SBI Shinsei Bank Group's products and services.
# Make judgements on offering our products and services : Based on customer information, we will propose the best products and services for our customers.
# Enable the SBI Shinsei Bank Group to capture various risks, control credits, and manage the Group in an appropriate manner : We will build an appropriate management and control system of the SBI Shinsei Bank Group to offer products and services to our customers in a stable and continuous manner.

4. Person responsible for managing the shared personal data SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited https://www.sbishinseibank.co.jp

5. Others
# Method of sharing the information : The personal data will be shared through methods including data transfer and use of media such as CD-ROM, etc.
# Suspension of information sharing : Please contact the following number if you wish us to stop sharing your personal data for proposing or introducing products and services of our Group member companies or our partners to you, or if you have any inquiries related to the information sharing in the SBI Shinsei Bank Group:
PowerCall: 0120-456-007
Sharing Personal Data with Nissen Credit Service Co., Ltd. and its Group Companies
 Aiming to become a financial group that is truly needed by our customers, the SBI Shinsei Bank Group will share customer personal data with Nissen Credit Service Co., Ltd. and its group member companies as follows in order to strengthen collaboration between the companies and offer products and services with more added values to our customers. We will build a proper management system for sharing the data so that we will not cause any inconvenience to our customers. If there is any restriction by related laws and regulations such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, we will handle the data by complying with such laws and regulations.
1. Personal data items to be shared
# Name, address, telephone number, date of birth, gender, email address, annual income, employment, family information, residence status, date of application for the membership, card issuance date, terms and conditions, type and credit limit of the contract, transaction information such as dates, details, amount and balance, method and status of payment, information of the financial institution for the account transfer, method of customer identification, type, code and number of customer identification documents, public information available in the official gazette and telephone directories, assets, income, expenditures, information submitted at the time of applying for membership including opinions and requests, income of the spouse and other items agreed between joint users (excluding credit information and personal information requiring consideration)
# Results, etc. of the Bank's sales activities (e.g., prospects of contract application, customer status, the aforementioned information provided by customers and customer complaints, etc. against the Bank's sales information accepted by the joint users) and other items agreed between joint users
2. Scope of joint users
# SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited, Nissen Credit Service, Co., Ltd. and parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates and other related companies of the two companies
# Subsidiaries of the parent companies or subsidiaries of the affiliates and other related companies having concluded a business partnership agreement related to the card loan business or the financial instruments sales business with the Bank List of partner companies (updated when needed): SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited, Nissen Credit Service, Co., Ltd.
3. Purposes of use
# Conducting sales activities for the products and services provided by the SBI Shinsei Bank Group including sending advertisements and other printed materials and developing and studying markets and new products and services related to the business partnerships with the Group and the joint users
# Analyzing the shared personal data to improve the efficiency of the sales activities and to calculate contractable amount to be quoted to customers (pre-screening) and enhance the accuracy of the calculation
# Conducting market research and developing and studying new products and services including a) contract management by the joint users (e.g., credit decision, accounting, contracting, contract renewal, customer notification and payment to customers), b) contracting and c) provision of supplementary services (e.g., point granting service for members, delivery of campaign gifts and post-contracting services)
4. Person responsible for managing personal data
SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited https://www.sbishinseibank.co.jp
5. Others
a. Method of sharing
The personal data will be shared through data transfer and use of media such as CD-ROM.
b. Suspension of the sharing
Please contact the following number if you wish us to stop sharing your personal data for proposing or introducing products and services to you, or if you have any inquiries related to the data sharing with Nissen Credit Service, Co., Ltd.
SBI Shinsei Bank Consumer Finance Division
Customer Relationship Department (Customer Consulting Office) Call: 0120-456-240

Representations and Covenants Renouncing Antisocial Forces

I represent and covenant that I am not and will not be an organized group of gangsters (boryoku dan), a member of an organized group of gangsters, a person whom 5 years have not yet passed since leaving an organized group of gangsters, a quasi member of an organized group of gangsters, an affiliated business enterprise of an organized group of gangsters, a sokaiya corporate racketeer, a hoodlum who claims to advocate for social activities etc. (shakai undo tou hyoubou goro), a violent group with special intellect etc. (tokushu chinou boryoku shudan tou), or others who conform to these persons or groups ("Organized Crime Group Members, etc."), and that I do not, and will not, constitute any of the following 1. (a) - (e), and that I do not, either in person or with the assistance of any third party, engage in any activities that correspond to any of the following 2. (a) - (e). I will not make any objections if the Bank suspends transactions under the PowerFlex account or, upon notice, terminates the PowerFlex account, in cases where: I have breached the representations and covenants I made above; or the representations and covenants I made above have proved to be false. If such suspension of the transactions or termination of the PowerFlex account causes any damages, I shall take full responsibility and I will not claim for any damages against your Bank, and will compensate any damages incurred by your Bank.
1. (a) Connected with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. where my management is recognized to be controlled by Organized Crime Group Members, etc. ;
(b) Connected with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. where Organized Crime Group Members, etc. are recognized to be substantially involved in my management;
(c) Connected with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. where I am recognized to be wrongfully using Organized Crime Group Members, etc. to fraudulently benefit oneself or a third party or for the purpose of causing damage to a third party;
(d) Connected with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. where I am recognized to be providing funds, etc. or necessary accommodations to Organized Crime Group Members, etc.;
(e) Officers or persons who are substantially involved in my management have connections with Organized Crime Group Members, etc. which should be socially condemned.
2. (a) Making a threatening demand (boryoku-teki yokyu koui);
(b) Making an unjustifiable demand beyond legal liability;
(c) In relation to a transaction, engaging in threatening speech or behavior or using illegal force;
(d) Damaging the credit of your Bank or obstructing your Bank's business by spreading false rumors, using fraudulent means or using illegal force; or
(e) Any activities similar to any of the foregoing.
>Basic Policy Concerning Protection of Personal Information<