Protect your PC from "Spyware"

Recently, a case where spyware is used to collect your personal information such as your password etc. which you have input in your computer, and withdrawing from your account etc. without appropriately obtaining your consent has become a major issue. We strongly advise you to use anti-virus software, anti spyware software and security keyboard for your security.

What is spyware?
Spyware is a general term used for software that would covertly download or install the software through Internet or e-mail without appropriately obtaining your consent, and performs behaviors such as collecting personal information and configuration of your computer as a third party. One of the general spyware is a "keylogger" which can find out about your computer activity such as information that you input with your keyboard and transmit the information to any third party randomly.

When you login to our online banking (PowerDirect)

When you login SBI Shinsei Bank online banking (PowerDirect), security keyboard is available for your use. Use of security keyboard could be an effective way to prevent you from one of the most common malicious spyware called "key logger"*1 . Please use the security keyboard for your safety concerns.

  • *1"Key logger" which can collect any of the information that you input from your keyboard and transmit the information to any third party.

However, spyware varies, so please make sure you carefully read "How to prevent spyware" for your own protection.

How to prevent spyware

Attention to e-mails (attached files) you are not aware of.
Most spyware can be installed when you open your e-mail or attached file. If you receive an e-mail you are not aware of, do not open them.
Carefully read all disclosures or messages associated with any software you download / install.
Please be especially wary of disclosures or messages associated with "free" software download/ install.
Download and install anti-spy ware or anti-virus software or use a firewall.
This is a good defense against spyware. Also, be alert to any spyware-like activities on your computer even after you have installed such software.

For more details and prevention on spyware, below site is for your reference.

You can use the online tool to scan your computer for any spyware. The tool will take around 10-15 minutes to scan a computer.

If you suspect any suspicious activities, please contact your nearest police station.
