Confirmation of Resident defined under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act
Who can open an account【Residents of Japan】
- 日本に入国後6ヵ月経過している方、日本国内で勤務している方/勤務の予定がある方
- 在留資格が「永住者」・「日本人/永住者の配偶者等」・「家族滞在」・「定住者」の方
- Those who have been in Japan for 6 months or more, or working in a company with an office located in Japan, or planning to work in Japan.
- Those who have ‘Permanent Resident’, ‘Spouse or Child of Japanese National’, or ‘Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident’ or ‘Dependent’, or ‘Long Term Resident’ visa status.
Ineligibilities【Non-residents of Japan】
- 在留資格が外交・公用・短期滞在の方
- 日本に入国後6ヵ月未満で日本国内で勤務していない方、勤務の予定がない方
- Those who have ‘diplomatic’, ‘official’, or ‘short-term’ visa status.
- Those who have resided less than 6 months after entering Japan and who are not working in Japan.
Please use the below flowchart to check if you are eligible to open a PowerFlex account. Please have your Residence card at hand.