Step Up Program

Step Up Program

Preferential Services

Preferential service fees

We will provide user-friendly preferential services to serve more customers.

Preferential service
Partnership ATMs Withdrawal fees (tax included)

yen / withdrawal*1
5 times / month

(e.g. Seven Bank ATMs)

yen / withdrawal*1

(e.g. Seven Bank ATMs)

yen / withdrawal*1

(e.g. Seven Bank ATMs)

yen / withdrawal*1

(e.g. Seven Bank ATMs)

yen / withdrawal*1

(e.g. Seven Bank ATMs)
Online fund transfers to other domestic bank account Numbers of free remittances 1 / month 3 / month 5 / month 10 / month 10 / month
Transfers over the above limit (tax included) 214
yen / remittance
yen / remittance
yen / remittance
yen / remittance
yen / remittance
GAICA Flex prepaid card issued by APLUS
Load/Reload fee of foreign currency
of the loaded amount
Cash-back*2 Cash-back*2 Cash-back*2 Cash-back*2
Incoming foreign exchange remittance Handling fee
virtually free of charge *3
- 2,000 yen
Cash-back / transaction
2,000 yen
Cash-back / transaction
2,000 yen
Cash-back / transaction
2,000 yen
Cash-back / transaction
The overseas fund transfer fee via
GoRemit App
2,000 or 4,000 yen
/ transaction
2,000 or 4,000 yen
/ transaction
2,000 or 4,000 yen
/ transaction
(once per month)*4
(once per month)*4
Home Mortgage
handling charge discount
- - - 50,000 yen off the handling charge *5 50,000 yen off the handling charge *5
  1. Withdrawals from Seven Bank ATMs, Enet ATMs, LAWSON ATMs, AEON Bank ATMs, PatSat ATMs, VIEW ALTTE (JR East Japan Railway ATMs) are free.
    Withdrawal fees for "Standard" stage customers are free up to 5 times per month. 110 yen fee including tax will be charged from the 6th withdrawal.
    Withdrawals from Japan Post Bank ATMs (including those installed in Family Mart stores) , Major City banks' ATMs, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking ATMs, and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank ATMs are charged 110 yen (including tax) per withdrawal.
  2. Fees for loading foreign currency to your GAICA Prepaid Card (GAICA Flex)(Issued by APLUS) will be fully returned (cash-back) in foreign currency to your GAICA (GAICA Flex) by the end of the following month.
    Cash-back will not be applicable if your GAICA (GAICA Flex) is not valid at the planned time of cash-back due to reasons such as card activation (user registration procedures) incomplete or card status suspended. Please click here for full details and important notices regarding use of the service.
  3. The Incoming Foreign exchange remittance administrative fee (the handling fee) is an amount equivalent to 2,000 yen. However, the handling fee for "Diamond", "Platinum", "Gold" and "Silver" customers will be virtually free of charge because 2,000 yen will be returned to them by the end of the following month. Foreign currency-based handling fees are determined so that they are equivalent to 2,000 yen.
  4. "Diamond" and "Platinum" Customers are eligible to make the first remittance of any given month free of charge when making an overseas remittance or domestic foreign currency remittance from their PowerFlex Account via GoRemit App. The customer's stage for the month must be "Diamond" or "Platinum" on the day the remittance request is sent via the GoRemit app. To be eligible for the Preferential Service, after registering with the GoRemit App customers must register a PowerFlex account in their name with the app.For more details about overseas fund transfers, please click here.
  5. Your stage will be "Platinum" for six months from the month you opened your new PowerFlex account (i.e. Platinum stage will apply until June 30 if you have opened an account on January 10 (hereinafter, the "Account Opening Initial Period")). However, even if you are "Platinum", you are not eligible for preferential administrative fees if you apply for a home mortgage loan during the Account Opening Initial Period.

Preferential deposits and investment products

We will provide a more investor-friendly asset management environment such as higher interest rates and lower fees based on your stage.

Preferential service
Interest rate for Yen Deposit Normal interest rate Preferential interest rate
Interest rate for Foreign Currency Deposit
Foreign exchange rate fee ・Yen to Foreign currency
・Foreign currency to Yen
E.g.Yen ⇄ 1 USD
0.15 yen
E.g.Yen ⇄ 1 USD
0.09 yen
E.g.Yen ⇄ 1 USD
0.09 yen
E.g.Yen ⇄ 1 USD
0.07 yen
E.g.Yen ⇄ 1 USD
0.06 yen

As of March 1, 2024. Interest rates are subject to change without notice.

Deciding Your Stage

  • You will be "Platinum" until the sixth month from the month when you opened your account.
  • Your stage for the seventh month will be decided based on your transaction status during the period between the month when you opened your account and the fifth month.

When your Stage is decided

Your stage will be decided once a year based on your transactions of target products/services between January and December. The stage decided will be applied from February of the following year until January of the year after that. Customers under the age of 28 will be granted Diamond Stage status regardless of their service usage. This status is valid from birth until the month following their 29th birthday. The status will be downgraded starting from the second month after their 29th birthday. However, if the conditions for Diamond Stage are met through other criteria, the status will not be downgraded.

Eligibility Requirements for each stage
Eligibility Requirements
U28 Generation Z*15
- - - - Account opening only*15
A. Annual Balance of total assets*6 - Over 1M yen Over 5M yen Over 20M yen -
B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products*6 - Over 100,000 yen Over 1M yen Over 3M yen Over 20M yen
A. Annual Balance of total assets and B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products*6 - - 1M yen or more deposits and 100,000 yen or more investment products 5M yen or more deposits and 100,000 yen or more investment products -
Home mortgage loan balance - - - Balance exists as of December 31*7 -
Contracting of a home mortgage loan - - - Concluded a new contract*8 -
C. Transaction amounts of target products*9 - - - Over 1M yen Over 10M yen
Use of Luxury Card - - - More than 1 Time*10 -
Use of Salary deposit - More than 1 Time*11 - - -
Use of Direct debits - More than 6 Times*12 - - -
Use of GAICA Flex prepaid card (issued by APLUS) - 100,000yen or more for shopping in and outside Japan*13 - - -
Apply for SBI Shinsei Connect (Japanese Only)別ウィンドウで開きます*14 - - - - Apply only*14

Your stage will be upgraded in February of the following year if at least one of the aforementioned conditions are met.
However, your stage will be upgraded immediately in the month after next if any of the conditions with is met at the end of the month.

Example of applying stages

Example of applying stages
  1. Annual Target Balance is an average balance of your assets as of the end of each month excluding two months with a lower balance.

Please check Target products for deciding your stage for the target products for "A. Annual Balance of total assets" and "B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products".

  1. Customers with delinquent payments for 2 months or more at the end of December will not be eligible for preferential treatment of "Platinum" if the "Home mortgage loan balance" is used as the stage eligibility requirement. In addition, "Platinum" may not apply depending on your transaction status.
  2. The contract will be regarded as a new contract when your home mortgage loan balance is 0 yen as of the end of the previous month and the balance as of the end of the current month is 1 yen or more.
  3. "C. Transaction amounts of target products" include Power Step Up Gaika Teiki 2, Powered Teiki (with a term of 6 months or longer), Powered Teiki Plus, Powered Teiki 3, SBI Intermediary Service Account Products, such as Equity Investment Trusts, Periodic Investment Trusts, Foreign Bonds, Discretionary Investment Products (SBI wrap), Monex Intermediary Service Account Products, such as Equity Investment Trusts, Periodic Investment Trusts, Foreign Bonds, Discretionary Investment Products (ON COMPASS).
    - Monex foreign investment trusts are included in target equity investment trusts and periodic investment trusts for deciding your stage, but SBI Securities foreign investment trusts are not included. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
  4. Target transactions are purchases and do not include the selling of investment trusts.
    If you have transferred products purchased at other companies to SBI Securities or Monex, the products will not be included in "C. Transaction amounts of target products".
  5. An account from which the payments of Luxury Card issued by APLUS are to be debited is PowerFlex account, and amount debited on 27th of the month (or the following business day if 27th falls on a non-business day) is 1 yen or more.
  6. Funds transfers within SBI Shinsei Bank and personal and normal money transfers will not be applicable.
    Please confirm the payment method with a responsible person at your employer before designating your payroll account. Payments from your employer with a payment instruction other than "Salary Deposit" will not be regarded as salary deposit and will not be applicable.
    Payment instruction: "振込・振替 (funds transfer)" will not be regarded as a salary deposit and will therefore not be applicable. "振込・振替 キユウヨ" will not be applicable.
  7. Target direct debits will include debit withdrawals for public utilities, credit card payments, insurance premiums and SBI Shinsei Bank Card Loan.
    The "Silver" stage will apply 2 months after the month in which there have been six or more direct withdrawals from the start the year to the end of December.
    Example: If you have withdrawn your deposit three times in January and three times in February, your stage will be "Silver" in April since you have met the conditions for "Silver" in February.
  8. Target shopping are those confirmed by APLUS by the sixth business day of the following month. Shopping confirmed by APLUS on or after the seventh business day of the following month will be the targets for judgement in or after the following month. When a refund has been made, your shopping balance will be calculated by deducting the refund from your purchase balance of the month when the refund has been made. For example, when a refund for your shopping in December 2022 has been made in January 2023, your shopping balance will be calculated by deducting the refund from your shopping in January 2023. Loading funds to GAICA Flex prepaid card does not meet the criteria for the Step Up Program.
  9. SBI Shinsei Connect is available even if you do not have a contract for periodic investment trusts. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
    If you have applied for SBI Shinsei Connect as of 15:00 of the last business day of the month, your stage will be "Diamond" on the 1st of the month after next. Decision of your stage will be made every month. If you have terminated SBI Shinsei Connect as of 15:00 of the last business day of the month, your stage will be downgraded in the month after next. However, your stage will not be downgraded if you have met other conditions for "Diamond" stage.
  10. Effective December 1, 2024: All customers under the age of 28 will be eligible for Diamond Stage status starting from the second month following the month of account opening, irrespective of their service usage. This status will be downgraded beginning the second month after their 29th birthday.

Target products for deciding your stage

Target products A. Annual Balance of total assets*16 B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products*16 C. Transaction amounts of target products*17
Deposit Yen Savings Deposit YES NO NO
Power Yokin YES NO NO
2 weeks Maturity Deposit YES NO NO
Yen Time Deposits YES NO NO
Foreign Currency Savings Deposit YES YES NO
2 weeks Maturity Foreign Currency Deposit YES YES NO
Foreign Currency Time Deposit*18 YES YES NO
Structured Deposit*19
(Japanese only)
YES YES YES*20 Applicable products are limited
SBI Securities Intermediary Service Account Products*21 Yen Deposits*22 YES NO NO
Foreign Currency Deposits YES YES NO
Bond Investment Trusts YES YES NO
Equity Investment Trusts YES YES YES
Periodic Investment Trusts YES YES YES
Domestic Bonds YES NO NO
Foreign Bonds YES YES YES
Domestic Stocks
(in kind only)
Overseas Stocks YES YES NO
Discretionary Investment Products
(SBI Wrap)*23
Monex Intermediary Service Account Products*24 Yen Deposits YES NO NO
Foreign Currency Deposits YES YES NO
Bond Investment Trusts YES YES NO
Equity Investment Trusts YES YES YES
Periodic Investment Trusts YES YES YES
Domestic Bonds YES NO NO
Foreign Bonds YES YES YES
Domestic Stocks
(in kind only)
Overseas Stocks YES YES NO
Discretionary Investment Products
Others Insurance Products*25 YES YES NO
Money trusts YES NO NO
  1. Not applicable for Margin trading including stocks and their balances.
  2. Not applicable for Balances and transactions at Rakuten Securities (financial instruments intermediary accounts).
  3. Products that are no longer sold will also be applicable if they are already owned.
  1. Amounts converted into yen with SBI Shinsei Bank TTM rate at the end of the month are used for the balances of foreign currency-denominated products.
    The balances of investment trusts, bonds, domestic stocks and deposits will be calculated on a delivery basis (i.e., on the date when the transaction is settled).
    The balances of foreign stocks will be calculated on a contract basis (i.e., on the date when the transaction is closed).
    - Of the bond investment trusts available at SBI Securities, MMF will be applicable but MRF will not be applicable.
    - Monex foreign investment trusts are included in target equity investment trusts and periodic investment trusts for deciding your stage, but SBI Securities foreign investment trusts are not included. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
  2. If you have transferred products purchased at other companies to SBI Securities or Monex, the products will not be included in "C. Transaction amounts of target products".
    Amounts converted into yen with SBI Shinsei Bank TTM rate at the transaction date are used for transaction amounts of foreign currency-denominated products.
    The transaction of the SBI Wrap (online only) and SBI Wrap x SBI Shinsei Bank (limited to OTC transactions) are calculated on the trade date basis. In case of a funded contract, the calculation will be made the following month of the transaction of the funded contract.
    - Monex foreign investment trusts are included in target equity investment trusts and periodic investment trusts for deciding your stage, but SBI Securities foreign investment trusts are not included. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
  3. Power Support Plus and PowerBuilder are included as Foreign Currency Time Deposits.
  4. Powered One Plus, Power Step Up Yokin 2, Powered Teiki, Powered Teiki Plus and Powered Teiki 3 are applicable.
  5. Power Step Up Gaika Teiki 2, Powered Teiki (with deposit period of 6 months or longer), Powered Teiki Plus and Powered Teiki 3 are applicable.
  6. Products in your SBI Securities Intermediary Service Account will be a target product. Your balance will be included in "A. Annual Balance of total assets" and "B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products" when you have registered your SBI Shinsei Bank account for withdrawal at the end of the month. Some SBI Securities foreign investment trusts are not applicable. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
    Your balance will be included in "C. Transaction amounts of target products" when you have registered your SBI Shinsei Bank account as your withdrawal account (destination financial institution account) at the end of the month preceding the month when you conducted the reference transaction or at the end of the month when you conducted the reference transaction. SBI Securities foreign investment trusts are not applicable. Click here for details (Japanese only).別ウィンドウで開きます
  7. Balances of SBI Hybrid Deposits are not applicable.
  8. Discretionary investment products (SBI Wrap) are SBI Wrap (online only) and SBI Wrap x SBI Shinsei Bank (limited to OTC).
  9. Products in your Monex Intermediary Service Account will be the targets.
    Your balance will be included in A. Annual Balance of total assets and B. Annual Balance of the bank-designated investment products when you have registered your withdrawal account with SBI Shinsei Bank at the end of the month.
    Your balance will be included in C. Transaction amounts of target products when you have registered your withdrawal account with SBI Shinsei Bank at the end of the month preceding the month when you conducted the target transaction or at the end of the month when you conducted the target transaction.
  10. Balance at the end of the month when the completion of an insurance contract is confirmed through a method designated by SBI Shinsei Bank
    When increased insurance coverage is contracted, month-end balance is the amount corresponding to the single premium for the increased insurance cover.
    The following insurance products will not be applicable:
    • Insurance products provided by non-life insurance companies
    • Single-premium insurance products provided by life insurance companies including prepaid insurance products
    • Single-premium insurance policies provided by life insurance companies which were contracted more than ten years ago.
    Amounts corresponding to the premiums of single-premium insurance policies that have migrated to an annuity may be regarded as month-end balances in some cases.

Notes regarding preferential interest rates for Yen Time Deposit

Preferential interest rates for Yen Time Deposit are applied only to 1 to 5 year "PowerFlex Yen Time Deposits" of 5 million yen or more per deposit and 1-year "PowerDirect Yen Time Deposit 100" of 1 million yen or more per deposit."PowerDirect Yen Time Deposit 30" will not be applicable.

  1. The interest rate may change or this Yen Time Deposit may be terminated based on market conditions.
  2. The interest rate for PowerFlex Yen Savings Deposit will be applied after maturity.
  3. In case of cancellation before maturity, bank designated interest rate will be applied, but the principal is guaranteed.
  4. According to market trends, campaigns, etc. in some instances, preferential interest rates may change or may not be applied. In addition, the percentage points of the preferential interest rates may differ depending on the stage of customers.
  5. These Deposits are subject to deposit insurance. Up to 10-million-yen principal of your fixed amount protected deposits at SBI Shinsei Bank and their interest are protected.
  6. The percentage points of the preferential interest rates may differ depending on the Campaign.

Notes regarding Foreign Currency exchange rate

  • The Foreign Currency exchange fee for "Diamond", "Platinum", "Gold" and "Silver" will be applied when the currency converted from JPY to Foreign Currency or Foreign Currency to JPY, however they are not applicable for currency changes or interest payment of PowerSupport Plus or the withdrawal of reserve funds for PowerBuilder. In addition, converting currencies between foreign currencies or the converting of funds by SBI Shinsei Bank from Foreign Currency to JPY when closing your account will not be applicable either.
  • For other currencies' foreign currencies exchange fees, please click here.
  1. A different foreign exchange fee may be applied when trading orders have increased sharply when markets are closed including weekends, or when markets have fluctuated drastically. The maximum rates of such one-way exchange fees and round-turn exchange fees are 5.5 yen per unit and 11 yen per unit respectively. In this case, commission discounts will not apply and the same across-the-board commission which is higher than the regular fee may be charged regardless of customer stage. Please check the latest forex rates, which include commissions, before executing each forex transaction.

Notes regarding Incoming foreign exchange remittances handling fee

  • The customer's stage must be "Diamond", "Platinum", "Gold" or "Silver” at the time of deposit of funds to customer's account to be eligible for cash-back.
  • If the handling fee is paid by the sender, no handling fee will be charged by SBI Shinsei Bank and therefore cash-back program will not apply.
  • 2,000 yen cash back will be returned to customer's yen deposits account by the end of the following month from the date of receipt of funds to customer's account.
  • If there are insufficient funds in the customer's account to pay the handling fee, the remittance will be returned to the sender (no handling fee will be charged by SBI Shinsei Bank) and the cash-back program will not apply.
  • If a customer closes their account before the receiving the cash-back, the cash-back program will not apply.

Note regarding overseas remittance

  • "Diamond" and "Platinum" customers are eligible to make the first remittance of any given month free of charge when making an overseas remittance or domestic foreign currency remittance from their PowerFlex Account via GoRemit App. The customer's stage for the month must be "Platinum" or "Diamond" on the day the remittance request is sent via the app.
  • To be eligible for the Preferential Service for Diamond and Platinum Customers, after registering with the GoRemit app customers must register a PowerFlex account in their name with the app. After registering a PowerFlex account, the first remittance of any given month will be free of charge when making a remittance request from the Smartphone App.
  • Customers' Step Up Program details are updated at approx. 10:00 am on the first business day of every month. If a customer makes a remittance request via the app before these details are updated, the remittance fee will be deducted at the time of the remittance, but will be refunded within that month.
  • After making a remittance request from the GoRemit App, the free remittance for that month will be considered used even if the funds are returned for any reason.
  • Not applicable to customers who have closed their PowerFlex Account before the cash-back date.
  • This preferential service is not applicable when making a domestic transfer to our collection account.

Step Up Program

  • This page has been prepared for the purpose of providing information on "Step Up Program", and not for the purpose of soliciting foreign currency deposits, structured deposits, insurance products, home mortgages, financial products trading, or financial products brokerage services.
  • The eligibility requirements, services, and service period, etc. of this program may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. (The services described here are available as of June 1, 2024.)
  • For more details, such as detailed terms and conditions, please check our Step Up Program brochures available in our branch or our website.
  • Some products eligible for this program entail the risk of loss of principal due to price fluctuations arising from movement of interest rates, share prices, and foreign exchange rates, etc. and due to cancellation (their principal amount may fall significantly below the amount invested, depending on market trends, etc.), carry the risk of issuer's credit, or charge fees and expenses specified by each product (the amount or maximum amount of fees and expenses by product and their total amount cannot be indicated in advance as they depend on the product purchased, the amount invested, the investment performance, and the period for which the customer holds the product). Before concluding the contract, please read "cautionary notes," "pre-contract documents," and "prospectus," etc. that are available at the branch counter and online and fully understand and acknowledge risks, fees, and expenses. Customers bear full responsibility for their investment decision.

Regarding preferential treatment of home mortgage handling fee

The preferential administrative handling fees as per customer's stage will be confirmed at the time when the Bank accepts the application form the customer (・Postal mail: at the time the bank receives the postal mail. ・Branch: at the time the bank receives the application form), Please note the preferential treatment of administrative handling fees for home mortgages will vary according to the customer's stage at the time of the application.

  1. Customers without a PowerFlex account at the time of application for home mortgage will not be applicable for preferential treatment of administrative handling fees.
  2. Customers who have newly opened an PowerFlex account will automatically be placed in the Platinum Stage from the month they have opened the account for 6 months (e.g., If the account was opened on January 10th, the Platinum stage will be valid till June 30th.) (i.e. the initial account opening period). However, preferential treatment of administrative handling fees for Platinum customers will not be applicable for customers during the initial account opening period.

Regarding foreign currency deposits

  • As the conversion rates of foreign currencies into yen (foreign exchange rates) fluctuate, foreign exchange deposits carry a risk of loss of yen denominated principal resulting from exchange rate fluctuations when converting foreign currencies back into yen.
  • In the event of high market volatility, system malfunctions, etc., the foreign exchange rates applied by the Bank may differ significantly from prevailing market rates. Customers are urged to confirm the foreign exchange rates to be applied to any such transactions.
  • Foreign exchange fees apply when depositing/withdrawing yen into/out of foreign currency accounts. Unconventional currency exchange fees may be applied in the event of drastic foreign exchange rate fluctuations or when major markets are closed. The maximum rates of such one-way exchange fees and round-turn exchange fees are 5.5 yen per unit and 11 yen per unit respectively. For a direct non-yen cross currency exchange, the foreign exchange fees will be 0.02 multiplied by one of the currencies.
  • There is a risk of loss of yen denominated principal due to the application of foreign currency exchange fees and applied interest rates, even if foreign exchange rates do not fluctuate.
  • Preferred rates of Step Up program are applied to transactions changing yen to a foreign currency and vice versa. (n.b. Preferred rates are not applicable to transactions between non yen foreign currencies or when the outstanding foreign currencies balance is converted to yen as part of closing an account. Additionally, preferred rates are not applicable in exchanging currencies or paying interest in the PowerSupport Plus program, or purchasing foreign currencies through the PowerBuilder program.)
  • Foreign currency deposits are not guaranteed by deposit insurance.
  • In principle, foreign currency denominated time deposits may not be cancelled before maturity. However, in the event the Bank recognizes extraordinary circumstances and deems the cancellation of foreign currency denominated time deposits before maturity as unavoidable, only principal amounts will be refunded (interest thereon will not be honored).
  • Interest is subject to 20.315% withholding tax (national tax 15.315% and local tax 5%). The fractional figure of the after-tax interest rate shall be rounded down.
  • Principal and interest of foreign currency time deposits shall be credited into PowerFlex savings deposits of the same currency on the maturity date without converting into another currency. The savings deposit interest rate for the same currency will be applied on and after the maturity date.
  • Cash in foreign currencies and foreign currency remittances are not available at our branches.
  • Fees will be charged for foreign currency remittances.
  • Handling Fee will be charged for incoming foreign exchange remittances.
  • Application to GoRemit overseas remittance service must be made before making foreign currency remittances.
  • Before investing in foreign currency deposits customers should carefully read the product description of foreign currency deposits (pre-contract document) that is available in the Bank branches and online so that they can fully understand characteristics of the foreign currency deposits.

GAICA Prepaid Card

  • GAICA Prepaid Card (hereinafter the "Card") is the services which APLUS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "APLUS") provides, and is not a product of SBI Shinsei Bank, Limited (hereinafter the "Bank").
  • The Card is not a product provided for remittances carried out by banks, etc. including the Bank.
  • The Card does not constitute the acceptance of deposits, savings, or installment savings. (You can't load cash directly.)
  • The Card is not subject to the payment of insurance prescribed in the Deposit Insurance Act or in the Agricultural and Fishery Cooperation Savings Insurance Act.
  • A system of security deposits for providing the services with the Card (hereinafter "Security Deposits") is established under the Payment Services Act in order to ensure the protection of the Members*. *The term "Member" shall refer to the person whom APLUS provides with the Card and authorizes to use the Card. APLUS makes a Security Deposit as follows for the issuance of the Card.
    - Method of a statutory deposit: Money
    - Official depository: the Osaka Legal Affairs Bureau
  • The Members shall have the right to receive payments with regard to the amount of the remaining balance on the Card for the return of Security Deposit in the procedures related to the execution of the right under the Payment Service Act.
  • After issuing the Card, all transactions effected through the use of the Card are handled only by APLUS, and the Bank shall not take any responsibility whatsoever. Regarding transactions with the Card and the important information such as fee schedule of the Card, visit the APLUS website. For inquiries or questions, please contact APLUS.

Regarding Yen Deposit

Interest is subject to 20.315% withholding tax (national tax 15.315% and local tax 5%).

  • The fractional figure of the after-tax interest rate shall be rounded down.